Teppanyaki course to spice up grand opening - Now accepting reservations


Taste the finest luxuries from every corner of Japan one by one, station to station.
The teppanyaki course is a modern representation of the rich culinary culture of Osaka, known for 400 years as “the nation's kitchen” for its complete array of foods from all over Japan.
Teppanyaki Mizuki features a wraparound counter overlooking the dazzling Osaka cityscape, and a straight counter stretching nearly 12 m.
The ingredients are the finest Japan has to offer in the opinions of chefs and farmers from all over the country.
Served on tastefully elegant dishes, our cuisine is like no other.
Our team of sommeliers recommend wine and sake pairings to augment the dining experience.
[Lunch Menu]

Our July/August lunch menu offers a choice of three exquisite courses worthy of a grand opening, including white trevally teppanyaki with salad, corn, and truffles.
・Lunch Départ ¥13,000
・Lunch Attentes ¥18,000
・Lunch Voyage ¥29,000

[Degener menu]

Our July/August dinner menu celebrating the grand opening of the hotel offers a choice of three different courses, including exquisitely aromatic Matsusaka beef, and abalone, lobster, and other fresh seafood.
・Dinner Retour ¥29,000
・Dinner Ménoire ¥35,000
・Dinner Éternité ¥41,000
・Dinner Brillant ¥41,000

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Putting our heart and soul into every traveler's relaxing moment.

Hotel restaurants are located on the 29th floor including The Lobby Lounge. With its symbolic "roof of light" which is based on the "gable roof" that preserves the original Osaka Station's memory, The Lobby Lounge is filled with natural light from the 140-meter-above-ground windows.
Experience our heartfelt hospitality that will accompany the thoughts and feelings of travelers.
More details about the other restaurants will be announced at a later date.